Monday, September 28, 2015

Design Thinking as Work Process & Strategy

Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple; that’s why it is so complicated.

Paul Rand[1]

I undertook a project in the spring of 1994. I had been thinking about the future of work, lot’s of people had including many people that I was interacting with at MIT. I started a series of discussions with Bill Mitchell[3], Tom Malone[4], Joel Moses[5] & Peter Rowe[6] that led me to begin thinking about a new model for knowledge work[7] (this is a lot of footnotes already, even for me…). The model I discussed with Bill Mitchell & others cast knowledge work more as a design process & less as an industrial (?) process. This seemed self-evident to me, even if it didn’t to some other people. What did I (& still do) mean by this?

Studies of the evolution of work[8] suggest that the future (knowledge) work paradigm will have several major characteristics: a) work will primarily consist of the identification, acquisition and manipulation of information and knowledge, b) the convergence of information and communication technologies will provide the basis for this work, & c) design process will provide the framework for both doing work as well as planning & strategizing about it. This knowledge work will be different than the work people now do, even current "knowledge work[9]". In order to determine what types of systems and devices need to be developed to facilitate this future knowledge work paradigm, we must first produce and validate, to the extent possible, a description of this work.

First, though, more on evolution. I believe that the next ten years will be partitioned into three broad categories of work evolution. These are shown in this table.

Current – now
Near-future – 3-5 years
Post-convergence 8-12 years
Mainly content based
Content & process based
Knowledge & model based
Focus is: problem solving
Convergence i.e. process & teaming
Design model, i.e. episodic, contradictive,…
Basis is: content-based deduction, individual contribution
Process innovation, group decision making, mixed & modal logics
Personal & group intuition, induction
Content driven
Group & technology driven
Intuition & interconnection driven

The categories can be described as follows:
  • Content based (current)
o   Creation, management & use of content drives this phase
o   Work is mainly done by individuals & small (relatively isolated) teams
o   Focus is individual & small teams working to solve business problems
o   Feature needs revolve around integration of content management & collaboration with organization of projects/programs, budgets etc. also important
o   Technology is primarily program based, i.e. based on algorithms & deductive (formal) reasoning
o   Primary impediments & push-back focus on inadequate technology for collaboration (information & process) & inadequate organization for collaboration as well as strong commitment to co-location
o   Early adopters  have already moved on to the next phase
  • Process based (3-5 years)
o   Deep integration of Content & Process drives this phase
o   Work is done by distributed teams
o   Focus is on collaborative problem solving in the work process context
o   Will require cross-organizational workflows
o   Process innovation & group decision making become important
o   Technology enables work process & collaboration, algorithms become less formal, more based on people’s work process
o   Advances made in both how people work with (“Big C”) content & collaboration as well as context-based problem solving enable a move to the next phase
o   Primary impediments & push-back focus on attribution for work & position of individual contribution
  • Knowledge & model based (8-12 years)
o   Large-scale use of knowledge & models drive this phase
o   Work, i.e. what people do, takes on characteristics of the design work model
o   Work is done by a range of individuals, collaborative teams & collaborations among teams, location not an impediment
o   Focus is on knowledge & context-based problem solving to address business issues
o   Technology provides means of creating & maintaining context (organizational memory), large-scale knowledge modeling capability, problem solving assistance & ability to deal with very large-scale (Big C) content, use of ultra-large data sets for predictive analysis
o   Models of work & business problems create context for problem solving & business decision making
o   Primary impediments & push-back focus on intuition & contradiction based reasoning rather than standard deduction & induction

Before I move on to a description of a design work model, I’d like to focus on the impediments to this evolution for a minute. In the content-based phase, impediments to this evolution are mainly centered on the opinion that technology is inadequate to support the level of collaboration necessary. This is already inaccurate as technology today more than adequately supports most forms of collaboration. The more serious impediments, that are relevant to the next phase as well, are that organizational forms are not adequate to support collaboration & that a preference for individual contribution still exists in many organizational cultures. Many organizations, even those in technology companies, have not made the changes in composition &/or leadership needed to facilitate larger-scale collaboration that may have essential elements that are not co-located. These changes include:
  • Distributed & decentralized management & decision making
  • Formation of semi-autonomous to independent project & program teams
  • Nonhierarchical communication structures
  •  Nonhierarchical reward structures

Most organizations still adhere to either a push hierarchy (standard command & control structure) or a pull hierarchy[10]  (centralized management & decision-making with management pulling opinions, strategy & tactics from lower levels in the hierarchy), & these types of organizations have considerable difficulty in making the changes required for real collaboration.

In addition, there continues to be a bias towards individual contribution, especially in highly technical areas. The assumption is that a single person (or sometimes a single small group) is the only one with the knowledge or experience to create a design, architecture or program that will be effective & productive. The problem with this bias is that it is sometimes true &, at least in my experience, often much more productive than current egalitarian collaborative models.

Another issue that becomes more relevant in the process-based phase is that of attribution. Often group & individual reward structures, including the opportunity to continue to work on strategic & interesting problems, is tied to attribution. This is an issue if multiple groups can legitimately claim responsibility for the success of a project. Often the solution is to reward “everyone”. This can be less appropriate & much less appreciated by the people that actually affected the success of the project. There are organizational structures that may ameliorate this issue, but the cultural issues are harder to address.

Finally in the knowledge & model-based phase, the impediments are largely due to the real differences in how work is accomplished. People, except for some types of scientists & engineers, are not (yet) accommodated to working from models or from deep knowledge bases. In addition, during this phase, the decision-making norm will also be quite different – more biased towards guided intuition & non-deductive reasoning. The use of extremely large amounts of data for predictive analysis is also not yet well understood or accepted except in some specific & limited segments. It will take time for these norms, & for the design work model to take hold, therefore the 8-12 year timeframe.

There are a number of examples of knowledge work extant that provide a good start for the description of work & work process in the knowledge & model phase. I believe the best example of this is the general design process. Design is a knowledge-based component of much work, but in the future, most knowledge work will have the characteristics of design work. Rowe (1987), Norman (1990, 1992) and others have described design work that can be summarized as follows:

  • episodic - context is preserved across a number of temporally distinct work periods during which different viewpoints or potential resolutions may be explored
  • knowledge-based - deep and broad historical, technical and contextual knowledge is necessary
  • eclectic – uses a wide range of problem solving techniques
  • contradictions - fueled and/or motivated by the maintenance and resolution of tensions or contradictions including:
    • ill defined/well defined task definition
    • underconstrained/overconstrained
    • intuitive/nonintuitive
    • textual/nontextual
    • "logical/nonlogical"
    • theoretical/pragmatic
    • content/context
    • structure/function (organization/technology)
    • time/completeness
    • complexity/simplicity
    • strategic/tactical.

The recognition, maintenance and resolution of these contradictions are the major characteristics of this new work paradigm. A contradiction occurs when some statement or fact is asserted to be both true and false. In the sense used here, a contradiction is a true work condition (s) or fact(s) whose assertion mutually excludes another true work condition or fact. The presence of unresolved contradictions creates tensions in the work. These tensions are present, to some extent, in our work today. The focus of our current work, however, is technical contents. This is true regardless of what the "technology" is that we are working with (VLSI, accounting practice, manufacturing process, etc.). Our near future work will be increasingly focused on process and teaming. Once the technical support exists to support diverse process and teaming models in real-time, this will become less of a focus. This should take 3-5 years for early adopters and perhaps as much as 10 years to come into general use. Future knowledge work (5-10 years out) will encompass these process and teaming models, but will more and more come to be structured by the tensions and contradictions listed above.

      What does it mean to say that knowledge work will be based on our ability to recognize, maintain and resolve contradictions and tensions? Recognition is defined as the awareness that something perceived has been perceived before. Maintenance is defined as the act of retaining or preserving some item or idea and resolution is the act of providing a solution to a problem[11] often through the resolution of one of the contradictions. These three processes applied to the list of tensions represent the essence of future knowledge work. This work will be characterized by: 1) the need to be aware that the tensions and contradictions in both the context and content of the work are necessary and that these contradictions provide the dynamic that drives the work, 2) that part of the work may require maintaining these contradictions and exploring the consequences of all potential possibilities, and 3) that eventually a solution or set of solutions must be derived from this tension.

      The formal presentation of the recognition, maintenance and resolution of logical contradiction helps us understand the role of these tensions in the description of a work paradigm. This formal presentation is outlined in Appendix A.

Let’s look at a near-future example of knowledge work in light of this work process description. Natalia is a 28-year old employee of a large public hospital. She has been tasked with determining the most prevalent disease comorbidities in the hospital’s patient population, determining the statistical characterization of the cost of treating those comorbidities & making recommendations for reducing the cost of that treatment. This is an issue in all healthcare organizations today that is only just at the edge of our ability to analyze & make anything other than anecdotal recommendations for. Here is a “design work process” description of this task:
  • Episodic – This is not Natalia’s only work task, so she has to balance making progress on it with work on a set of other tasks. This means that she must take it up at intervals (in episodes) & that at the start of each episode, she must recover both the context & the content in the state that she left them & in a manner so that she can begin working on this task again with a minimum of redundant effort.
  • Knowledge-based – Natalia will need a broad range of knowledge including: general medical knowledge, hospital clinical procedure, hospital financial procedure, operation of hospital clinical (electronic health record, practice management) software & financial management (cost accounting, billing) software, reporting software, analysis & business intelligence software, development, utilization & interpretation of financial models & other areas of knowledge just for this one task.
  • Eclectic – Natalia will need to be able to access a variety of clinical & financial databases as well as create a financial model for determining revenue & cost associated with the prevalent comorbidities. She will need to be able to interpret the results of this modeling & translate those results (cost per comorbidity, revenue per comorbidity) into recommendations as well as be able to create a way to accurately & understandably present her results & recommendations.
  • Structured & motivated by contradictions – Some of the contradictions that affect this task are:
o   The task definition is ill-defined. This causes Natalia to have to interpret the intention of the task & how its results & recommendations will be used. Her interpretation could not be in line with management expectations & this tension requires Natalia to create a specific definition for the task that she is working on a solution to.
o   The task is under-constrained. Again, this causes Natalia to focus on developing a description of the boundaries of both the task & the solution; i.e. “what to leave in & what to leave out”.
o   Interpretation of the results & development of recommendations is somewhat intuitive rather than empirical. This is related to theoretical/pragmatic. Natalia must make recommendations that are feasible & that in turn will lead to results in finite time. The tension here is extreme as there are already many recommendations reported in the literature & the public press in this area as well as many expectations of what the “right” solution(s) may be. Natalia must be able to focus on interpretations & recommendations that are relevant & feasible for her organization & not based on general expectations or ideas in the public sphere.
o   The solution(s) may require structural (organizational) changes as well as functional (partly technological) changes. There is a tension in the balance between these that must be addressed.
o   Her manager has given Natalia two weeks (elapsed) to accomplish this task. Natalia has already told her manager that this is not enough time for anything other than a set of guesses, but there is a big strategy meeting coming up &,… There is usually this tension between time & completeness (that is often a proxy for accuracy/correctness).
o   As with most work tasks today, something that seems simple can actually be quite complex. Just count all the patients that have hypertension & figure out what it costs to treat them… simple. Not… First of all what is a patient? What definition do you use for hypertension (or any clinical condition)? What do you mean by cost? Does the cost accounting system even have patients in it? The more you peel this back the more complex it becomes. This means Natalia, once again has to be explicit about definitions for every important term as well as for each calculation. This means she can at least say that for this definition of these conditions & comorbidities & for this definition of the calculation of costs, this is the median cost in 2014 of treating this comorbidity for the 2,146 patients recorded with it.
o   This task can be interpreted at a tactical level: what are the relatively small changes that can be made to our clinical workflows & financial processes that will enable us to reduce costs? It can also be interpreted at the strategic level: what are the organizational & large-scale technology changes that can be made that would allow us to systemically reduce costs? As with all of these contradictions, there is a balance to be had here as well.
o   Finally, in healthcare there is a purely strategic & almost unmentionable contradiction that is very well illustrated by this task – that is cost reduction versus improvement in patient outcome. These are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but the trade-offs made, especially when resource constrained (think dollars) can make it seem as if they are. Does reducing the cost of treatment on a per patient or per condition basis improve or worsen patient outcomes. Certainly we do not want to have worse outcomes at the “cost” of cost reduction, but it often seems as if this is the choice. There is enough fat & waste in the healthcare system that these do not have to be mutually exclusive, but this kind of general statement does not work on a per patient basis. The tension here can be extreme.

Natalia’s work on this task does appear to be very aligned with our description of design work process. Can we learn something from how designers work to make her work more effective, or even more efficient? Also, I hear you say, “what about strategy, I thought this was about strategy.” Right, lessons learned first…

Several relatively recent sources have looked at these lessons from different perspectives these include a 2007 report on how global brands use the design process to create leverage & competitive advantage[12] & several Harvard Business Review articles[13].

A primary lesson described in both reports is that design must be tightly tied to & aligned with the end user experience – not the technology used, general design trends or management expectations. This requires both knowing who the end users will be & creating an experience that is compelling & useful for them in both functional & emotional ways. This is the case whether you are designing new communication devices or, as Natalia is, designing a solution & recommendations for strategic decision-making.

A second lesson is that models & prototypes are essential in the design process, & that they do different things. Models allow you to describe & examine the problem space; while prototypes allow you explore the solution. Models & prototypes should be readily available to people who are using or evaluating the work & feedback loops must be part of the process so that criticism & suggestions from feedback can be incorporated.

Design processes also tend to be optimal as collaborative processes. Teams may be co-located or distributed, but that cross-functional collaboration improves results & outcomes of projects. In Natalia’s case, she is working as an individual contributor but may, in fact collaborate in areas that she is not as experienced in such as development of financial models.

Finally, several challenges have also been incorporated as lessons:
  • Larger amounts of ambiguity must be accepted by both end users & peers of the designer
  • The same is true of risk
  • Expectations must be set appropriately – design process is effective at reducing complexity, facilitating innovation & identifying future trends. It can also be effective at producing solutions to complex problems, as in Natalia’s case. It is not so good at actually operating a business. Even design companies like frog[14] & ideo[15] have business processes for program management, financial management etc.

OK, you say, but you promised strategy… There are two aspects to this. The first is that a strategy is a designed object & needs to be developed through a design process. The second is that design process itself is a strategy that can be adopted by organizations. I’ll deal with both of these.

As a designed object, an organization’s strategy needs to have certain characteristics. The primary one of these is that it is focused on a user end-state. What does the organization want to accomplish. What experience is it trying to create for the users of its product or service? Often organizational strategies, especially those of for-profit companies, are specified with respect to how much growth they need to achieve, what industry segments they’ll penetrate & by how much, how much revenue & profit they’ll generate. These are not a strategy but rather the results of a strategy. Strategy can be designed by collaboratively iterating descriptions & tactics (prototyping) & continuously modifying the strategy according to criticism & feedback. As we have seen, such a process must incorporate the acceptance of higher levels of ambiguity & risk in order to succeed. Once such a strategy is developed & decided upon, tactics & business processes must be developed to initiate & evolve the strategy.

What we are talking about is using the design work process to develop the organization’s strategy, so that the strategy is a designed object. We can also see, through this effort, that the design work process itself can be a strategy that is applied to many of the efforts & work tasks that an organization undertakes. This was shown in Natalia’s work example above. Using the design work process as a framework:
  • Episodic & iterative approach so that multiple tasks are worked on at once
o   Use of models for problem description & prototyping for solution exploration
  •  Classification & utilization of deep & large volumes of knowledge
o   Requires ways of searching, storing, analyzing & utilizing such knowledge
  • Use of a broad variety of modeling, prototyping & problem-solving methods
o   Provides the best possibility of interpreting & presenting actionable results
  • Allowing for the recognition, maintenance & resolution of the contradictions inherent in work efforts (as described above)
o   Recognition of contradictions allows for important aspects of a work task or problem to be identified & described
o   Maintenance of such contradictions allows for appropriate levels of ambiguity & risk to be maintained so that solutions are not tracked into & collapsed prematurely, &
o   Resolution of such contradictions allows solutions to be derived

These general characteristics outline a framework for addressing work tasks, up to & including strategy development that organizations can productively use. By looking at both the development of strategy & the accomplishment of work tasks as design problems, people (working in organizations or independently) can use a highly flexible model of work process to provide leverage in design, development, modification & measurement of work & work process. When I say “organizations will need to…”, I actually am talking about the people in those organizations who will need to be more tolerant of ambiguity & risk, understand that their work will be accomplished interatively & in episodes rather than in a single effort, be able to work with large amounts of information & knowledge & apply a broad set of problem-solving tools, applications & ways of thinking to creating solutions. Organizations that encourage & facilitate this approach to work & strategy, & that are made up of people that can utilize the design work model will be very well positioned to compete successfully as how we do our work, & even what our work is evolves over the next 5, 8, 10 years.

[1] Professor of Graphic Design, Yale University, 1956-1969, 1974-1985.
[2] M.C. Escher. Drawing Hands, 1948
[3] 1944-2010, Former Dean of the School of Architecture & Planning, MIT
[4] currently Patrick J. McGovern Professor of Management, Sloan School of Management, MIT
[5] Former Provost & Dean of Engineering, currently Institute Professor, MIT
[6] formerly Dean of the Graduate School of Design & currently Harvard University Distinguished Professor, Harvard University
[7] Knowledge work can be differentiated from other forms of work by its emphasis on "non-routine" problem solving that requires a combination of convergent, divergent, and creative thinking.
[8] lists 16,547 books under this topic ranging from The Critique of Pure Reason. Immanuel Kant. 1781, to The Future of Work – Human Value in a Digital World. Marcus Clarke. February, 2015. Accessed 18 August 2015.
[9] Knowledge work can be differentiated from other forms of work by its emphasis on "non-routine" problem solving that requires a combination of convergent, divergent, and creative thinking. Accessed 15 August 2015.
[10] D. Lavoy. 2014. Is collaboration limited by organizational structure. CMS Newswire, March 2014. accessed 10 September 2015.
[11] all definitions are from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd Edition. 1992
[12] Eleven Lessons – Managing the Design Process in Global Brands: A study of the Design Process. Design Council. 11/2007.
[13] Design for Action. T. Brown & R. Martin. Harvard Business Review. pp. 56-65
     Design Thinking Comes of Age. Jon Kolko. Harvard Business Review. pp. 66-71. 11/2015.